Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Fun.

Hello lovlies. For Thanksgiving we went to my mama and popsicle's house. They had all of the Quinney side (my mom's side of the family) over for food, games, and more food. My favorite part was probably the peppermint ginger cookies my uncle brought. I would be happy with a lifetime supply of those please. I love holidays. I tried to write down my favorite quotes of the day but it didn't work out so well. I do remember my 11 year old brother, Keaton, saying this to my 3 year old cousin, "Wren, one day you will have to wear deodorant. One day." And this conversation was going on while we played Mario. So funny. Here are some photos from the day......

 FYI....It is the last of week of the semester. I am psyched. 

1 comment:

Alex and Sam said...

i want me hair to look just like yours :)b


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